This weeks youtube of the week is a bumper video we did for our stories weekend were students give their…
I asked Michaela Coon, who is a senior in high school and apart of our youth ministry, to write some…
This is really nothing new. I’ve seen this so many times where the young star comes out and caters to…
There are church words and phrases that we use all the time that are probably confusing our students. I remember…
You’ve probably seen this one before. It’s so well done that it will never get old. Check it out!! ac…
Today, I got the opportunity to be on The Simply Youth Ministry Show. We got an email about a youth worker…
I have really enjoyed writing and sharing my learning’s and insights with others in youth ministry. God has definitely shown…
Do ministry on purpose! – What use to be done automatically must now be done purposefully. When you start dating…
Choosing the right school becomes a huge concern for a lot of students right around this time. I’m sure God…
First of all, there are no quick fixes. Had a conversation with one of my life group leaders that was…