Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. I started serving in ministry when I was 15. I’ve spent the last 15 years in California. My ministry journey consist of working at World Vision in LA and as a Pastor at Saddleback Church in Orange County and LA. Since then my wife and I have moved back to Michigan where I’m a Pastor at Woodside Bible Church. In all my years of ministry the most important lesson I’ve learned is to keep on learning! And wow….have I learned a lot being in ministry and I’m still learning. My first official job was at Burger King and looking back I can see how even there I was learning things that I still use today. A lot of my time in ministry was working with the youth and so I have a huge heart for youth workers, but I’m really a huge fan of anyone in ministry sharing the gospel, introducing people to Jesus. My prayer is that this blog encourages those who follow along as I share what God’s been teaching me over the years and even now. I also love making music and just doing creative things. So you’ll get to enjoy some fun stuff as well.
Let’s go!
Aaron Crumbey(AC)