We just launched small groups in our high school ministry. Everything went so great and I feel very good about this year of small groups. We have some awesome leaders that are ready to love on and pastor our students this fall. Talking about our leaders got me thinking about how important they are to our ministry. The volunteer leaders within a ministry are sooo important. So I thought I ‘d share 5 reasons why volunteers are so important. I know there are more than just five reasons, so feel free to comment and add to the list.
- The ability to duplicate yourself. – Sometimes we can under utilize our leaders and miss a great opportunity to care, mentor and pastor more students than we could by just doing it ourselves. I’m sure your leaders have the potential to do more than just setup and tare down. I’m not saying that’s not important but don’t assume that’s all they want to do or have the ability to do. Challenge them. You will be surprised.
- The health of your youth group goes up. – The more leaders you have available to meet, talk and just love on your students the better. Also, having more leaders eases the burden of the one or two staff persons doing everything. You feel less guilty, less outnumbered when you have volunteer leaders to help you.
- The look and feel of the ministry is better. – To have someone buy into the mission of your youth group is a huge deal we should never take that lightly. When I look around at our leaders engaging with their small groups or our weekend leaders meeting and hanging with students on the weekend it feels good and it just looks good. When I see this at my youth group I feel like this is how it’s suppose to be. Couldn’t do it without my leaders!
- Prayer. – You can never have enough people praying for your ministry. Your leaders are also able to pray for specifics. You also can have them praying strategically.
- Building up church leaders. – just because they start in student ministries doesn’t mean they are going to stay. We could take this time and make sure that they understand the values of the church. You have a great opportunity to develop everyone that comes through your ministry for the good of the entire church. Don’t waste it.
What are some other reasons volunteer leaders are important?
hope it helps