One of the biggest lies we can believe about ourselves is that we are worthless. A lot of times we feel worthless because we equate our self worth with our accomplishments and how others view us. Once those things fade away and we have nothing, and we are left feeling worthless. Other times it has more to do with a life filled with pain. Whether it’s with parents who treat you like crap and you feel like they don’t love you at all or a boy/girlfriend that has pretty much treated you with zero respect or even teachers that have pretty much told you that you wouldn’t amount to anything. You are valued and loved by God.
I want you to know that your circumstances do not define you nor does it define your worth. No matter what people have done or said to you and no matter what you have done, God loves you and values you. You are valuable to God for no other reason than the fact that He created you.Job 33:4 The bible says that Jesus Christ gave his life for us while we were against him.Romans 5:8 So that we will have the opportunity to be with him forever.John 3:16 Which means He made the decision based on how He felt about us and not based on our abilities, our behavior, or what we have to offer him. Your value doesn’t come from you or other people but it comes from the one who created you.Psalm 139:13-14
- God has created you in his image – Genesis 1:27 (NIV) So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
- God is always thinking about you – Psalm 139:17 (NLT)How precious are your thoughts about me,O God. They cannot be numbered.
- God cares about every area of your life and wants to be there for you – 1 Peter 5:7 (AMP) Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
- God loves you and there is nothing that can ever make him stop – Romans 8:38-39 (NIV) 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- God has created you with a purpose – Ephesians 2:10(NLT) 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
A lot of times I forget these things when I’m going through rough patches in my life. God has given us one of the most, if not thee most, valuable thing He could give. His identity. Imagine Bill Gates (worth 60 Billion dollars roughly) giving you his identity. Crazy Right!! God (the creator of EVERYTHING… even Bill Gates) values you so much that he makes you in his own image.
You are valued, thought about consistently, loved like crazy and purposefully created by the one who will never change on you, God. Remember what God has said about you and also remember what he has done for you.
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hope it helps
Nice blog post! It helps a lot. thanks!
Thanks dude!!
God Bless